We are happy to announce the first Joint Research Summer School (JRSS) on the different perspectives of Resilience for research track students (MA & PhD) from both Israel and Germany. The summer school will take place from Sep 11 – Sep 23, and will be held in both locations.
This joint Israeli-German workshop, organized by TAU and PK NRW aims to foster discussion, knowledge exchange, and a scholarly investigation of vital societal issues, such as natural hazards and resilience of cities in relation to global climate change, resilience of populations and social vulnerabilities, and environmental resilience.
The week in Germany involves visits to urban and rural areas in the North Rhine-Westphalia region and includes seminars and workshops on urban and rural settings, as well as examination of challenges and opportunities for designing smart resilient communities. The week in Israel involves a visit to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, as well as to the Resilience Center in the city of Beer-Sheva. It includes seminars and workshops on urban and environmental dynamics, climate change, and analysis of community resilience at multiple scales of governance systems.
Our candidates from both locations come from various academic disciplines, including, Social and Health Affairs, Resources and Sustainability, Technology and Systems, Emergency and Disaster Management, Environmental Studies, and Sociology. The range of backgrounds and experiences will bring multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives to the program.
The summer school will climax with students’ joint presentations on their final research project. The goal of the project is to identify and tackle main societal, urban, and environmental challenges in an interdisciplinary way that are relevant for both policy implementation and future studies and publications.
We hope that this important initiative will yield further joint research collaborations in the future.