Visit to Zeche Zollverein

After breakfast, we took public transportation to the university campus in Bochum. Before the workshop started we had a little morning stretching session (thanks for the great instructions!!). Once in the seminar room, we first thought about the following question “Where is resilience mentioned?”. Small groups then discussed the extent to which their own research field is affected by resilience.

Together, the following topics were then addressed and discussed:
– My take on Resilience
– Why is Resilience popular now?
– Risks, uncertainty and institutions
– Resilience between remember and revolt

After the workshop we went to the center of Bochum for lunch.

In the afternoon, Zeche-Zollverein was on the agenda. By public transport we went to the Ruhr Museum. The exhibition was very diverse and focused on the history, culture and nature of the Ruhr area. A small highlight was the roof terrace of the visitor center, there we had a fantastic panoramic view over the Ruhr area.

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