Today was the first day in Tel Aviv University, where we were welcomed by Prof. Milette Shamir, Vice President of the International Office. The first presentation was held by Prof. Colin Price of the Porter School for Environment and Earth science on the topic “Resilience and climate change”.
This was followed by a talk about “Urban Dynamics and Resilience in the Age of Cities and Complexity by Prof. Juval Portugali of the Department of Geography and the Human Environment. This was followed by a great lunch at Coffee Star and a short rest on the green grass of the campus.
The second block of presentations was started by Dr. Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal from the Azrieli School of Architecture, discussing “Smart Cities – Smart Cities as a Component of Urban Resilience (?)”. Then we inspected the Porter schools building, an award winning construction, and got to know about the strategy used to create a so called “green building” and the intention behind several design choices. Also, there was the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful view on top of the building.

The day was closed by a lecture on “Cities at the Forefront of Climate Change”, held by Dr. Orli Ronen. Finally, we got some burgers and fries for the well deserved lunch and end of this day at the campus of Tel Aviv University.